SARP 120/M
Anti-Tank Missile System

Sarp Silah Sistemi


The SARP 120/M system is a system designed for use on various tactical wheeled, tracked land vehicles, fixed platforms in order to contribute to increasing the defense capabilities of modern armies with increased technological needs. The platform allows the shooter to be located in a safe area inside or away from the armored vehicle, while combining high-precision reconnaissance and aiming capabilities with effective firepower thanks to the Anti-Tank Missiles installed, as well as the machine gun.

It is an ergonomic system that provides automatic recognition and tracking of targets invisible to the naked eye at night and in adverse visibility conditions, advanced ballistic calculation features, and the ability to shoot accurately against standing and moving targets while the system is moving.


  • Uzaktan kumanda edilebilme
  • Pasif hedef keşif, tespit ve takip yeteneği
  • Otomatik hedef takibi
  • Termal/TV kamera ve Lazer mesafe ölçer
  • Operasyon Sıcaklığı: -32C / +55C
  • Dış sensörlere entegre olabilme
  • Otomatik atış kontrol fonksiyonları
  • Balistik hesaplama
  • Son mühimmat uyarısı
  • Harekata ve atışa yasak bölge tanımlaması

Teknik Özellikler

Anti-Tank Füzesi:

2/4 adet atışa hazır Anti-Tank Füzesi (SKIF, KORNET, vb.)

Makineli Tüfek:

Ana Silah: 12.7mm makineli tüfek
İkinci Silah: 7.62mm makineli tüfek

Yükseliş : -15° / +45°
Yan :  n x 360° 
Ana Silah :   200 Adet
İkinci Silah :  400 Adet

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