Remote Controlled
Naval Weapons Systems

Remote Controlled Naval Weapons Systems play an active role in maritime defense by being integrated into various Patrol Boats, Coast Guard Boats, Warships and Landing Crafts, depending on the need. These systems, which have various features according to the needs, can be equipped with various weapons and have a modular structure, are designed in military standards to withstand harsh sea conditions. Thanks to the various sensors on it, it has the ability to detect targets, track moving targets, detect the distance of the target and shoot with ballistic solutions with a high accuracy rate. With features such as remote control and double ammunition boxes, it reduces the need for ammunition filling and keeps the security of the personnel at the highest level during combat.

Our Remote Controlled Weapon Systems were designed by Aselsan and supply, production and integration activities are carried out by Aselsan Konya.

Stamp 2 1 Gorsel

SMASH 200/12.7

The SMASH 200/12.7 system is a system developed for use against imminent and asymmetric threats on warships, coast guard boats,...
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SMASH 200/25

The SMASH 200/25 System is a system developed for use against close and asymmetric threats on warships, coast guard boats, landing ships and other ships in order to contr...
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